Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


Counseling Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (vi, 43 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Michael V Ellis

Committee Members

Alex Pieterse, Warren Wallis


burnout, clinical supervision, counseling psychology, health service psychology, stress, training, Burn out (Psychology), Graduate students, Psychology, Psychologists, Stress management

Subject Categories

Clinical Psychology | Counseling Psychology | Psychology


Students in health service psychology (HSP) training programs (i.e., doctoral programs in clinical, counseling, or school psychology) have reported experiencing greater burnout (i.e., energetic exhaustion) and lower vigor (i.e., energetic arousal) than typical workers. Given that greater burnout and lower vigor are associated with negative outcomes like poor health and client care, the purpose of the present study was to understand burnout and vigor in HSP students. Specifically, the present study sought to test the Conservations of Resources theory of stress (CORT) by replicating previous findings that threatening work-related stress and the supervisory working alliance (SWA) predicted HSP students’ burnout and vigor. The present study also sought to (a) understand the relation between burnout and vigor and (b) predict burnout and vigor by examining four sources of stress and support students commonly report: role ambiguity, role conflict, social support from family, and social support from academic friends.
