"A later life without children in China : a cross-sectional examination" by Junrong Shi

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


School of Social Welfare

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, x, 177 pages) : illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Philip McCallion

Committee Members

Russell Ward, Keith T Chan


Childless, Older adults, Psychological Wellbeing, Quality of life, Self-rated health, Childlessness, Older people, Aging, Well-being

Subject Categories

Social Work


Adult children played a primary role in support and caregiving for the fast-growing older population in China because of the core value of “filial piety” and underdeveloped formal services in the country. However, an increasing amount of Chinese people will end up with having no children in their later years, either nonparental or no children survived. It is important to understand that how the absence of children affects the health and well-being of older adults to better serve this growing vulnerable population. Limited previous studies focused on the childless older people in China, and little is known about the mechanisms through which childlessness influences older people’s lives.

Included in

Social Work Commons
