"A quantitative and qualitative analysis identifying antecedents of wor" by Melissa Janine Mann

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Organizational Studies

Content Description

1 online resource (xiv, 273 pages) : PDF file, illustrations

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Thomas Taber

Committee Members

Janet Marler, Sylvia Roch


Conscientiousness, Need for Achievement, Scale Development, Work Ethic, Work Performance, Work Values, Work ethic, Organizational behavior, Work and family, Professional ethics

Subject Categories

Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Organizational Behavior and Theory


This study developed a comprehensive instrument for assessing contemporary work ethic and used the instrument to investigate antecedents of the formation of work ethic beliefs. In addition, the study investigated whether work ethic beliefs correlated with in-role and extra-role job performance. The study reviewed the literature on work ethic beginning with Weber's (1904-05) construal of the Protestant Work Ethic as the underpinning of early capitalism. The review traced the evolution of the Protestant Work Ethic construct to its contemporary, secular formulations. At issue is whether the dimensions of work ethic identified by Weber 100 years ago remain relevant for understanding behaviors of workers in today's post-industrial workplaces. Theoretical hypotheses and exploratory research questions were tested with a multi-phased series of qualitative and quantitative analyses.
