"Finding the foundation : exploring a historic Stockade property in Sch" by Hanna Marie Pageau

Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Anthropology

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, iii, 52 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Sean Rafferty

Committee Members

Christopher B Wolff


New Amsterdam, New York, Public Archaeology, Schenectady Stockade, Urban Archaeology, Zooarchaeology, Excavations (Archaeology), Fires

Subject Categories

History | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology


Schenectady County Community College Community Archaeology Program researchers have been excavating in the Stockade Historic District, an area dating back to the Dutch colonization period. Sites located on the current property of the First Reformed Church of Schenectady, located within the district, include a house razed in 1938, but which appears according to existing deed records, to have originally been built in the late 1700s. Two primary finds have come from the excavation, including the presence of two different strata with significant amounts of burnt debris that is believed to represent the most significant fires on the property (1861/1948). In addition, a large kitchen midden has been located. The research presented will illustrate the importance of the two burn layers in interpreting the property, and will also delve into the importance of ceramics and zooarchaeology for further explanations of the lifestyle and occupation habits of the site’s previous residents.
