"Intraethnic discrimination and psychological distress : the moderating" by Abigail Ingrid Nicolas

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


Counseling Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, ix, 94 pages) : illustrations

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Alex L Pieterse

Committee Members

Jessica L Martin, Jerome A Farrell


Black, Collective self-esteem, Discrimination, Distress, Intraethnic, Intragroup, Self-esteem in young adults, African American young adults, African Americans, Self-perception

Subject Categories

Counseling Psychology


The predominant focus of research examining the relation between ethnic discrimination and psychological distress among Black individuals has been on between-group, or interethnic, discrimination. Little is known about the impact of within-group, or intraethnic, discrimination. This study sought to serve as an initial investigation of the relation between intraethnic discrimination and psychological distress. Using social identity theory as a framework, it was posited that intraethnic discrimination experiences would result in psychological distress due to experience of in-group (Black) rejection and absence of in-group support for self-enhancement. Additionally, the study assessed the extent to which ethnicity-related identity collective self-esteem and private collective self-esteem moderated the relation between intraethnic discrimination and psychological distress in 494 Black American young adults. Results from a multiple regression analysis indicated that private collective self-esteem and identity collective self-esteem each uniquely moderated the discrimination-distress relation, weakening the relation. Study implications, strengths, limitations, and future directions are discussed.
