Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Department of Educational Policy and Leadership
Content Description
1 online resource (ii, xii, 188 pages) : illustrations (some color)
Dissertation/Thesis Chair
Gilbert Valverde
Committee Members
Michael Lawson, Hal Lawson
Academic Engagement, High Achieving, Latino, Mexican, School Engagement, Sports, Hispanic American teenage boys, Academic achievement, School sports, High school students
Subject Categories
Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership
This study investigates the impact, both proximal and distal, of inter-scholastic sports participation on the academic experiences of Latino male high school students. I utilize the notion of imbrication and a nested ecological framework to interrogate these larger constructs to illuminate differences and commonalities that exist amongst and between Latinos, the type of sport played, and three forms of engagement (cognitive, behavioral, and emotional).
Recommended Citation
Inoa, Luis Alberto, "Latino males in the U.S. and the effect of high school sport participation on a multi-dimensional construct of academic engagement" (2018). Legacy Theses & Dissertations (2009 - 2024). 2081.