"Now, tomorrow, forever the persistence of school segregation in Americ" by Dustin Connors

Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of English


Liberal Studies

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, iii, 27 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Charles Shepherdson

Committee Members

Thomas Bass


Segregation in education, Discrimination in education, Public schools, Education and state, African Americans

Subject Categories

Film and Media Studies | History | Sociology


The 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision has long been heralded as a landmark ruling and as evidence of America's progress toward a more accepting and equitable society. What is less widely known outside of academic circles is the extent to which that ruling failed to provide the equality its supporters were seeking. Today, America is still wrestling with a crisis most of us thought long solved: the racial segregation within our school districts. In my documentary film entitled Now, Tomorrow, Forever: The Persistence of School Segregation in America, I will set out to explore the state of school segregation in our country. To what extent is it happening? Why? What damage is it causing to our nation's children and their communities, and how? Lastly, can anything be done about it? By speaking to school administrators, superintendents, professors, authors, and legal scholars, I hope to answer these questions, help bring this issue to the fore, drive home the importance of addressing the issue, and ultimately call viewers to action.
