Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Psychology


Psychology (Masters)

Content Description

1 online resource (iii, 23 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Heather Sheridan


eye tracking, multiple-target search, Satisfaction of Search (SOS), Subsequent Search Misses (SSM), Proofreading, Satisfaction, Searching behavior, Eye tracking

Subject Categories

Cognitive Psychology


In multiple-target visual search tasks, the discovery of one target can hinder the detection of another target (i.e., “subsequent search misses”, SSMs; Cain, Adamo, & Mitroff, 2013, which are also known as “satisfaction of search” misses, SOS; Tuddenham, 1962). SSMs errors generalize to both medical and non-medical tasks (Fleck, Samei, & Mitroff, 2010) and using eye tracking methods, and a proofreading paradigm where targets are misspelled words and distractors are correctly spelled words, we document eye movement evidence of an SSM effect. Specifically, typo detection accuracy was reduced in trials containing two typos compared to trials containing a single typo. Detection of the high-salience typo (i.e., an easy to detect typo such as mjaor) resulted in faster trial reaction times, faster time to first-fixation on the low-salience target (i.e., a difficult to detect typo such as mitsake) and faster trial termination after fixating the low-salience target. After discovering the high-salience typo, participants exhibited shorter fixation times on the low-salience target, as well as a lower probability of refixating the low-salience target. This pattern of results supports the satisfaction of search (SOS) explanation of subsequent search misses (SSM), by suggesting that the participants conducted a less thorough search following the detection of a high-salience typo.
