"The effect of justice and injustice on sleep quality" by Jessica Wooldridge Brown

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Psychology


Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (vii, 188 pages) : illustrations (1 color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Michael T Ford

Committee Members

Sylvia Roch, Jason Randall


Emotion, Injustice, Justice, Psychological Detachment, Savoring, Sleep, Organizational justice, Psychology, Industrial, Sleep disorders, Sleep deprivation

Subject Categories



The effect of workplace stressors on physical health has been well documented (Ganster & Rosen, 2013; Nixon, Mazzola, Bauer, Krueger, & Spector, 2011). However, gaps in the research led to two main goals of the study: (1) understanding in a fuller range of reactions through the study of justice adherence and rule infraction and (2) exploring an explanation for the justice-health effects. This multilevel, daily diary study was designed to measure participants’ perceptions of organizational fairness and physical health. After that participants responded to daily surveys on the perceived supervisor interactions, emotions, rumination, and sleep quality over the course of five days. A total of 157 participants were included, which provided 618 daily surveys. Results provide evidence for a relationship between person-level perceptions of distributive justice and procedural justice and injustice with daily sleep quality. Further, person-level distributive and procedural justice predicted daily fluctuations of happiness. Finally, indicators of rumination, measured daily, also predicted daily sleep quality. These findings suggest a need to continue exploring the full spectrum of fairness as the relationships across dimensions were different across health outcomes. Results from this study also point to a need for better measures of emotions that are more closely directed at agents of organizational experiences.

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Psychology Commons
