"Factors associated with successful completion of a transitional living" by Megan Brophy-Mclean

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


School of Social Welfare

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, vii, 97 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Lynn Warner

Committee Members

Barry Loneck, David McDowall


discharge, Foster care, homeless, Independent living, Transitional living, youth, Homeless youth, Foster children, Ex-foster children

Subject Categories

Social Work


Transitional and Independent Living programs exist to help prepare homeless, at-risk and foster youth to live independently in the community as adults at an age earlier than expected from more privileged youth. The challenges they face often result in poor outcomes such as ongoing homelessness, substance abuse problems, low levels of education, and high levels of unemployment. Because the stakes are so high for these youth, it is imperative that the programs designed to help them are able to meet their needs by having them remain in the program until they are competent to live independently. This study attempts to identify characteristics of youth who are successful at completing a Transitional Living Program, and to see if they differ in any way from youth who are not successful. A successful completion is defined as having a planned discharge from the program. Identifying as non-Caucasian and being employed were both found to be predictors of a planned discharge from Transitional Living.

Included in

Social Work Commons
