"Power in the corporate boardroom : development of board power and CEO " by David Gavin

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Organizational Studies

Content Description

1 online resource (ix, 126 pages) : PDF file, illustrations

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Cecilia Falbe

Committee Members

Ray Van Ness, Paul Miesing


Board of Director Power, CEO Power, Corporate Governance, Management Strategy, Chief executive officers, Directors of corporations, Corporate governance, Power (Social sciences)

Subject Categories

Business Administration, Management, and Operations


This study focused on the development of two new measures: one of board of director power and one of CEO power. The first goal was to develop a new measure of board power. While there have been many studies on the individual elements of board power, the empirical results have been inconsistent and mixed. The underlying position of this paper is that no single element adequately explains the relationship between board power and outcome variables such as firm financial performance. In this study, the new board power measure was composed of multiple elements and an index was created.
