Cross-jurisdictional offending in New York State

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


School of Criminal Justice

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, 139 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

David McDowall

Committee Members

James Acker, Shawn Bushway, Greg Pogarsky


cross border crime, Cross-jurisdictional, Geographic offending, Multi-level, Crime, Crime analysis, Criminals

Subject Categories



The study of offenses committed by offenders crossing jurisdictional borders and the offenders who commit them has been an underdeveloped area of criminology and journey-to-crime research. Here, using a cohort of offenders arrested in the city of Albany, NY in 2005-2006, the extent of cross-jurisdictional offending was examined, along with an analysis of whether or not this type of offending is rationally motivated. Additional analyses were also examined, including instances of an offender committing multiple cross-jurisdictional offenses, offenders who commit cross-county offenses, and what effect excluding cases with missing address information has on cross-jurisdictional analyses. The results provided mixed support for cross-jurisdictional offending being rationally motivated. Multi-level models were confirmed to be more appropriate for analyzing cross-jurisdictional offending than logistic models. It was also confirmed that the way cross-jurisdictional offending is defined can affect the results of analyses.

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