"Novel two-dimensional devices for future applications" by Pratik Agnihotri

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Nanoscale Science and Engineering


Nanoscale Engineering

Content Description

1 online resource (iv, xvi, 143 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Ji Ung Lee

Committee Members

Christopher Borst, Vincent LaBella, Carl A. Ventrice, Jr., Satyavolu P. Rao


Bipolar junction transistor, Graphene, Phototransistor, Reconfigurable device, Tungsten diselenide, Two-dimensional materials, Transition metals, Nanostructured materials, Junction transistors

Subject Categories

Electrical and Electronics | Engineering | Physics


The scalability of field effect transistor has led to the monumental success of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology. In the past, device scaling was not the major issue to a greater extent. Recently with current technology nodes, transistor characteristics show signs of reduced performance due to short channel effects and other issues related to device scaling. Device designers look for innovative ways to enhance the transistor performance while keeping up with device miniaturization. Successful inventions include the development of tri-gate technology, gate all around (GAA) field effect transistors, silicon-on-insulator substrate, and high-k dielectrics. These developments have enabled the device scaling that we are experiencing today. To continue the device scaling beyond Si-based technologies, other creative methods have to be explored to achieve even higher device performances. In this work, we investigate device properties in novel two-dimensional materials, graphene and tungsten diselenide, which have the potential for future electronics.
