"Three essays on household inequality, bargaining and child custody" by Dung Kieu Nguyen

Three essays on household inequality, bargaining and child custody

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Economics

Content Description

1 online resource (x, 166 pages) : illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Dung Kieu Nguyen

Committee Members

Gerald Marschke, Michael Sattinger, Zhongwen Liang


Child custody, Household bargaining, Household inequality, Income, Sexual division of labor, Income distribution, Custody of children, Domestic relations, Households, Families, Married women, Sex role

Subject Categories

Economics | Labor Economics


Household inequalities have been shown to play a crucial role in theories of intra-household resource allocation, income distribution as well as intergenerational mobility for decades. Chapter 1 of this dissertation considers parental inequalities as determinants of child outcomes and of child household inequalities. It investigates the intergenerational link in equalities on labor income, wage, and education, and highlights how gender role attitude and preference transmission can be relevant in the analysis of household problems. Using PSID data, it shows that married sons mimic their parents in family disparity more than married daughters.

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