"Mixed ligand approach to design heterometallic single-source precursor" by Craig Matthew Lieberman

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Chemistry

Content Description

1 online resource (xxii, 164 pages) : color illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Evgeny V Dikarev

Committee Members

Marina A Petrukhina, Paul J Toscano, Michael Shatruk


Coordination Chemistry, Heterometallic diketonates, Mixed-Ligand Approach, Mixed-Metal Oxides, Single-Source Precursors, Metallic oxides, Metal complexes, Cryoelectronics, Metals, Ligands, Thin film devices

Subject Categories

Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry


There is a considerable interest in the use of metal oxides for development of novel high-technological materials such as gas sensors, multiferroics, and electrocatalysts. In particular, the design of complex oxides, which incorporate more than one type of metal atom, is focused on enriching chemical and physical properties of the target materials and allowing for increased functionality. In order to replace the harsh conditions associated with traditional synthetic routes that often require high temperatures and/or pressures, new soft chemistry methods for the preparation of mixed-metal oxide materials have been developed. One of the most promising directions is the emergence of heterometallic single-source precursors, molecules that incorporate all the necessary elements in the proper ratio and are capable of providing better control over the structure and morphology of the target materials at significantly lower temperatures. The use of molecular precursors can greatly assist in the fabrication of nanostructures or thin films that are known to deliver a superior performance compared to that of the bulk materials.
