Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Psychology


Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (xi, 131 pages) : illustrations (1 color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Linda R Shanock

Committee Members

Sylvia G Roch, Mitch Earleywine


Employee, Justice, Organization, Perceived Organizational Support, Voice, Employees, Organizational behavior, Organizational justice

Subject Categories

Social Psychology


Research on perceived organizational support has focused on theoretical antecedents and organizational outcomes, however to date there is limited research on practical interventions to enhance POS. The present study examined, in a lab setting, whether two operationalizations of justice, provision of information (informational justice) and encouraging suggestions (procedural justice) influence the extent to which employees feel supported by their organization. Further, this study explored the mediating effect of POS on the relationship between these justice interventions and organizational outcomes supported in the literature, affective commitment, extra-role performance and in-role performance. One hundred and seventy three participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: encouraging suggestions, provision of information and a control group. Participants were exposed to different treatment from the organization based on the condition to which they were assigned. Results of this study showed that participants in the encouraging suggestions condition reported significantly higher levels of perceived organizational support. Bootstrapping mediation analyses using regression was used to examine POS as a mechanism between encouraging suggestions and organizational outcomes: affective commitment, extra-role performance and in-role performance. Results showed that POS mediated the relationship between encouraging suggestions and affective commitment and extra-role performance, however it did not mediate the relationship between encouraging suggestions and in-role performance. The results also show that provision of information was not a direct manipulation of informational justice, due to the non-significant relationship with Colquitt's (2001) measure of informational justice. Further, provision of information did not influence POS or any organizational outcomes, therefore tests for mediation were not conducted. These results support the relationship between procedural justice and POS, and the positive influence that POS has on organizational outcomes.
