Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Organizational Studies
Content Description
1 online resource (ix, 103 pages) : PDF file, charts, form, samples
Dissertation/Thesis Chair
Tom Taber
Committee Members
Sue Faerman, Gary Yukl
Leadership, Personnel management, Organizational commitment
Subject Categories
Business Administration, Management, and Operations
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory proposed that a leader will develop a unique exchange pattern with each subordinate (Liden, Wayne, & Stilwell, 1993). Empirically, LMX has shown significant associations with many work outcomes (Gerstner & Day, 1997). One of these valued outcomes is organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), which is defined as action enacted beyond one's assigned duties on the job (Farh, Podsakoff, & Organ, 1990). Positive correlations between LMX and OCB have been demonstrated in previous research (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Paine, & Bachrach, 2000). Both LMX and OCB were proposed to comprise several sub-factors; nevertheless, correlations between LMX and OCB have always been computed with composite scores in past research. The current study aimed to explore the LMX-OCB relationship via a multidimensional analysis.
Recommended Citation
Wu, Yann-Jang, "A multidimensional analysis of the relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and organizational citizenship behavior with an alternative measure of Leader-Member Exchange" (2009). Legacy Theses & Dissertations (2009 - 2024). 130.