Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Nanoscale Science and Engineering


Nanoscale Sciences

Content Description

1 online resource (xiv, 114 pages) : color illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Carl A. Ventrice, Jr.

Committee Members

Hassaram Bakhru, Vincent P. LaBella, Yongqiang Xue, Gwo-Ching Wang


cvd, ethylene, graphene, leed, sem, xps, Graphene, Copper-nickel alloys, Nanostructured materials

Subject Categories

Materials Science and Engineering | Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | Physics


Graphene is a single layer of sp2 bonded carbon atoms that crystallizes in the honeycomb structure. Because of its true two-dimensional structure, it has very unique electrical properties, including a very high carrier mobility that is symmetric for holes and electrons. To realize these unique properties, it is important to develop a method for growing graphene films with uniform thickness and low defect density. One of the most popular methods of growth is by chemical vapor deposition on Cu substrates, because it is self-limited. However many applications require the growth of graphene films that are more than one atomic layer thick. In this research project, the growth of graphene on CuNi substrates has been studied. The presence of Ni in the alloy results in an increase in the catalytic activity of the surface. This results in lower deposition pressures than for pure Cu and also increases the carbon solubility, which allows the growth of films that are more than one atomic layer thick.
