""For divers good causes and considerations" : manumission practices of" by William Angelo Meredith

Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of History

Content Description

1 online resource (iv, 54 pages) : illustrations, color map.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Amy Murrell-Taylor

Committee Members

Richard F. Hamm


Albany, NY, manumission, slavery, Slaves, Slaveholders

Subject Categories

United States History


On March 29, 1799, the New York State Legislature received notice that the state's Council of Revision had approved, "an Act for the gradual abolition of Slavery." The bill changed slavery in such a way that children born to slaves after July 4, 1799, became free upon reaching the age of twenty-five for females and twenty-eight for males. Given the monumental change produced by this legislation, historians have linked passage of the gradual abolition bill to an increase in slave manumissions. While the gradual abolition bill may have prompted slaveholders to consider manumission, it was not the overall motivating force behind slave manumissions in the nineteenth century.
