"Catharine Maria Sedgwick's historicization of antebellum landscapes an" by Lisa D. Grant

Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of English

Content Description

1 online resource (iii, 70 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Ronald A. Bosco


A New-England Tale, America, Antebellum, Historicization, Hope Leslie, Sedgwick, Religion and politics, Religion in literature, Politics in literature

Subject Categories

American Literature


This thesis investigates Catharine Maria Sedgwick's situating of New England religion, political issues, and social class structures in A New-England Tale (1822) and Hope Leslie or Early Times in Massachusetts (1827). A New-England Tale models the convergence of morality, religion, education and politics in nineteenth-century America in order to awaken a sense of national pride, and in doing so places a priority on political independence and education. Hope Leslie models morality and traces the correlation of religion and politics as they served to promote Puritan civic responsibility in seventeenth-century New England, and in doing so places a priority on moral integrity and a cultural shift toward autonomy.
