Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of English

Content Description

1 online resource (iv, 71 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Eric Keenaghan


Gender, Modernist, Poetry, Sacred, Visionary, Imagist poetry, Autonomy (Psychology) in literature, Sex role

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities


This thesis is a study in the constructs of H.D.'s poetry, and how they work in relation to the reader. Specifically, H.D.'s concern was creating a sense of freedom for her readers as a means to representation and identity. To achieve this state of consciousness, H.D. began by exploring the sacredness within nature. In the process of articulating her idea into a more exact form she turned her focus towards gender. By removing the objective aesthetics surrounding women, H.D. developed a gender authority. Through this authority she continued her quest for freedom and, in doing so, instilled a sense of renewal in a society affected by the traumas of World War II. Yet, her triumphs were not accomplished without great struggle. She would have to endure personal trials, both mental and physical, throughout her career before completing her epic visionary collection of poems. By studying the emotional effect that H.D.'s poetry has on her readers an understanding in the agency of women, their authority, and freedom for all genders will reveal itself.
