"Predictors of burnout and vigor among clinical and counseling psycholo" by Brett Swords

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


Counseling Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (ix, 85 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Michael V. Ellis

Committee Members

Myrna L. Friedlander, LaRae M. Jome


Burnout, Stress, Supervision, Vigor, Burn out (Psychology), Graduate students, Students, Psychology

Subject Categories

Counseling Psychology


Work-related burnout, although connected to many negative outcomes (Kahill, 1988), has not been thoroughly studied in the graduate student population. The goal of the present study was to examine burnout and vigor among clinical and counseling psychology doctoral students. Based on conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll & Freedy, 1993; Hobfoll & Shirom, 2001), five variables were selected as predictors of burnout and vigor: two types of general work-related stress (i.e., pressure and threat; Stanton et al., 2001), the supervisory working alliance, financial strain, and conflict with others in the workplace. Seven hypotheses were tested about the expected relation between burnout and vigor, the ability of the predictor variables to explain at least 19% of the variance in burnout and vigor, and the direction of the relations between the predictor variables, burnout, and vigor. Additionally, the degree of burnout and vigor among clinical and counseling psychology doctoral students was investigated for descriptive purposes.
