Institutions and Societies Graduate Student Conference | University at Albany, State University of New York


Institutions and Societies 2020

The 8th annual Institutions and Societies Graduate Student Conference at the UAlbany is scheduled to take place on Friday, February 21, 2020. This year, proposals and abstracts can be submitted directly online. We will be opening up the submission portal in the coming weeks.

Click on the "2020" link at the bottom of the screen to view the upcoming conference program.

About the Conference

The Institutions & Societies: Graduate Student Conference is an annual interdisciplinary graduate student conference co-hosted by the Rockefeller Students Association (RSA, formerly known as GAPS) and the Students of Educational Administration for Change (SEAChange) at the University at Albany, SUNY in Albany, New York.

The inaugural conference was held in March 2013 at the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy, located on the Downtown Campus of the University at Albany. Definition of the conference name and theme, Institutions & Societies, has been left purposefully broad to allow for a wide range of participants, papers, panels, and posters.

The aim of the conference is to provide graduate students in the Capital Region with an open venue for sharing their research while promoting cross-discipline dialogue in order to improve the overall quality of graduate research. The conference also seeks to allow graduate students to present their work and receive peer and faculty feedback in a "low threat" environment without the pressure (and expense) of a major academic conference.

The conference is open to any graduate students in the Capital Region who are engaged in the research areas of anthropology, area/regional studies, communications and mass media, criminal justice, economics/nanoeconomics, education, environmental studies, history, informatics, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, public administration & policy, organizational studies, sociology, social welfare, and urban planning as well as interdisciplinary research that has a social science flair.

Organizers and Sponsors:

The conference is co-organized by the Rockefeller Students Association (RSA, formerly known as GAPS) and the Students of Educational Leadership and Policy (SEAChange).

Browse the contents of Institutions and Societies Graduate Student Conference: