"How Do Women Affect Politics and Legislation Among Distinct Nations?" by Paulina Hatzipetrakos

Date of Award

Spring 5-2019

Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Political Science

Advisor/Committee Chair

Victor Asal, Ph.D.


How does the increase of women in the political realm affect legislation? It is critical to discover the answer to this presented question as it allows academics to better understand the past, present, and future of politics. Understanding why more women are entering the political world, and how they can influence the rate of policy change, presents academics with a basis to further analyze the impact of women in various disciplines. This study will attempt to prove that an increase of women in high-ranking, legislative positions will prompt an increase in progressive legislation. Historically, the implementation of progressive policies has changed various societies. Therefore, an increase of women in government can drastically alter the current political world. This study examines the United States, Rwanda, Sweden, Germany, and Bolivia. It should be noted that each of the cases being investigated are described as developed democracies, with the exception of Rwanda. A Most Different System Design has also been applied to clearly examine the differences and similarities among the presented cases. At initial glance, these countries have little in common. However, through extensive research, it can be determined that each country has seen an increase of women political participation, and thus, share a similar outcome.
