"Ethnic Media and Changes in Technology: A Secondary Study" by Alana Johnson

Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts




The purpose of this research is to discover how ethnic media organizations are doing in comparison to mainstream media in terms of keeping up with changes in technology as well as providing suggestions in how they may do so. This paper is a secondary research based on research done by Matthew Matsaganis as well as students from both CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and from the Department of Communication at University at Albany, SUNY. They created a survey that was distributed to and completed by ethnic media organizations and producers who serve immigrant communities across New York City. The research questions focused on in this paper are based on how ethnic media organizations are adapting to the changes in technologies used in media, what ethnic media organizations are doing to accommodate for the growing population of ethnic media consumers especially those that are a part of the younger generation, ways that ethnic media organizations can make content available online, and benefits ethnic media organizations can see in developing a stronger presence online.

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