Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts




For my thesis, I explored the question of what type of content will increase user engagement on social media. I’ve had the opportunity to work on a live project, for a New York-based recruiting agency, Careers on the Move, founded by University at Albany graduate, Richelle Konian.

The goal of the project was to establish, through research, what engages users on social media and then test my findings.

I established, through baseline analytics reports using LinkedIn Analytics, Facebook Insights, and Hootsuite reports that the most appropriate dependent variables will be on LinkedIn, Engagement and Reach; on Facebook, Page Likes and Post Reach; on Twitter, Twitter followers.

I managed the content posted on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter profiles of Careers on the Move to enhance the dependent variables identified in my research. Based off of research on industry trends, I developed a social media marketing plan to determine methods of effectively increasing user engagement. I periodically conducted analytics reports throughout the course of the project. Initially, there was an increase across all three social media sites, but as this began to level off, I conducted additional research to determine which subject matter engaged users.

Included in

Business Commons
