"A Conceptual Assessment of the Uncertain Future of the Personal Comput" by Patrick J. McCann

Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Business Administration

Advisor/Committee Chair

Raymond Van Ness


In this thesis, I investigate the chances that the personal computer (PC) becomes a thing of the past in the near future. PC sales have seen quite the downturn, while smartphones have thrived in the technology space. I also consider how affects not only firms in the technology sector, but in almost all fields. Since the world today revolves around technology, specifically computers, it goes without saying that a change in the way we depend on PCs would change how we do almost everything. After diligently analyzing various sources on the matter, as well as consulting my own experiences, I identified a plethora of arguments for and against the topic. Many view the personal computer as an artifact on its way out of relevancy, making way for new technologies that can easily replace a PC. On the other hand, PCs are still everywhere, and are necessary to fulfill many tasks that users depend on the machine for. I have discovered that one could analyze financial performance, trends in the tech industry and just about anything else without getting to the bottom of the issue. While it may be unreasonable to believe that in five years from now all desktops and laptops will be obsolete, we are no fortune tellers. The technology space is one of the most rapidly changing climates, but the personal computer paved the way for so many of the advances. When it’s all said and done, PCs will be around in one form or another.
