"Social Media: How the Most Influential Marketing Tool in Today’s Socie" by Morgan Ariel Rosh

Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Business Administration

Advisor/Committee Chair

Suraj Commuri


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of social media and the great impact it can have on small to medium sized companies. Social media has proven itself to be an strong channel for marketing due to its capabilities to see what consumers are talking about as well as allowing companies to directly communicate with said consumers in the blink of an eye. This study was conducted alongside Careers on the Move, a boutique job placement firm located in Midtown Manhattan. Over the span of seven months, I tested out a variety of different social media techniques utilizing the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Platform. Success was measured via a few select social media metrics that measured reach and acceptance from the consumers. This study indicates that social media allows for companies to communicate more easily with their target audience and more effectively measure the impact it is having on those reading the posts proving social media to be the greatest tool a marketer can utilize.
