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This Essay explores how the National Woman’s Party mobilized legal talent during its campaign in the 1930s to make jury service for women a Federal right. First, I will begin with a brief overview of the National Woman’s Party, its nature, its programs, and its key legal personnel. Second, I will describe the state of the law concerning jury service for women after the Nineteenth Amendment, and will explore the strategy that the party followed in trying to gain women the equal right to serve on juries. Third, I will describe the three cases in which the party involved itself during the 1930s, relating them to the legal and other goals of the organization and showing how the organization was forced to rely on its own legal resources in pressing its jury service cases.1 Fourth and finally, I will conclude by exploring the importance of internal counsel to this litigation campaign.2


Publisher Acknowledgement

This is the Publisher’s PDF of the following article made available by American University, Washington College of Law : Hamm, R. (2001). Mobilizing Legal Talent for a Cause: The National Woman's Party and the Campaign to Make Jury Service for Women a Federal Right. American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 9 (2001): 971-17.



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