Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
A chapter titled "A Wind of Change? White Redoubt and the Postcolonial Moment in South Africa, 1960-1963", written by Ryan Irwin from the book, Race, Ethnicity, and the Cold War, edited by Philip E. Muehlenbeck.
Recommended Citation
Irwin, Ryan, "A Wind of Change? White Redoubt and the Postcolonial Moment in South Africa, 1960-1963" (2012). History Faculty Scholarship. 17.
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Publisher Acknowledgment:
The following book chapter was reproduced with permission of Vanderbilt University Press © 2012: Irwin, Ryan. "A Wind of Change? White Redoubt and the Postcolonial Moment in South Africa, 1960-1963", ed. Philip E. Muehlenbeck, Race, Ethnicity, and the Cold War: A Global Perspective (Vanderbilt University Press, 2012), 33-59.