"Everyone’s a Critic: Processes of Legitimation in the Video Essay Genr" by Kendall Nagi

Date of Award

Fall 2024



Embargo Period


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Sociology



First Advisor

Ronald Jacobs

Committee Members

Kate Averett, Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana


social media, youtube, intellectual labor, cultural sociology, media criticism

Subject Categories

Digital Humanities | Sociology of Culture


The rise of video essays as a popular genre on YouTube is a notable development in the media criticism and intellectual work in online spaces. Theorization on criticism as intellectual work and the performance of expertise and credibility is well developed within sociology (Alexander 2004; Jacobs & Townsley 2017) but esearch on YouTube specifically is quite limited within the social sciences. Most existing research on the video essay genre comes from media studies and communications scholarship (McWhirter 2022; Smarandache 2021; Sylvia & Moody 2022). This study seeks to understand how creators working in the video essay genre, and more specifically, those making works of media criticism, achieve a sense of authority and legitimacy as outsiders to traditional intellectual fields. This project is a content analysis with video essays themselves being the objects of analysis. Analysis found four main factors that mediate performances and the construction of credibility on YouTube: Technical proficiency, intellectual hierarchy, audience relations, and identity. These processes overlap with each other and are shaped by material factors like the particular YouTube’s structure of payment and monetization as well as more cultural factors like the conventions of the criticism genre. The creation of expertise and credibility on YouTube is a multifaceted process. As creators who exist outside traditional institutions of knowledge and criticism, video essayists must manage their position as non-traditional intellectuals alongside other obstacles inherent to working on YouTube.


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