Document Type
Research Brief
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Aiming to limit the increase in deaths from opioid overdose to 25% of current levels, the Genesee-Orleans-Wyoming Opioid Task Force (“the Task Force”) began a campaign in 2015 to, among other goals, increase the number of individuals trained to administer Naloxone in the tri-county area. This training is a critical need in these rural counties where there are low numbers of professional first responders dispersed over a wide geographic area. The Task Force also used these trainings to promote the importance of follow-up care after the administration of Naloxone, thus aiming to prevent opioid overdose deaths and facilitate a first step in recovery.
Recommended Citation
Center for Human Services Research, University at Albany, "Opioid Task Force Highly Successful in Training Residents in Naloxone Use" (2023). Health and Healthcare Services Reports and Research Briefs. 21.
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