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This report details Medicaid spending changes associated with enrollment in programs sponsored by the New York State Medicaid Redesign Team’s Supportive Housing Initiative (MRT-SH), including a summary of these projects and the full cross-sector cost characteristics of the people enrolled versus a comparison group of people who were similar to MRT-SH clients but were not enrolled. For each included MRT-SH participant, cost data are presented from one year before participant enrollment (defined here as the pre-period) through the first year post-enrollment (the post-period); for each included Comparison participant, cost data are presented for a similar two-year timespan. Cost data include Medicaid claim spending, investments into MRT-SH supportive housing (both MRT and non-MRT development costs, and program service and operating costs), and other cross-sector spending (utilization of inpatient psychiatric centers, Office of Mental Health (OMH) residential settings, and homeless shelters). The goal of the analysis is to present a comparison between overall spending before and after MRT-SH program enrollment for enrolled clients versus similar but not enrolled Medicaid users. Additionally, pre-post analyses are presented for participants in Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) Rental Assistance and Olmstead Housing Subsidy programs using an extended two-year post-period, where available.
Recommended Citation
Gullick, Margaret; Mahmud, Mir Nahid; Polvere, Lauren; McGinnis, Sandra; and Rees, Chris E., "MRT Supportive Housing Evaluation: Cost Report 3: Treatment versus Comparison Group, Investments versus Savings Analyses" (2020). Health and Healthcare Services Reports and Research Briefs. 10.
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