"Determining the Feasibility of Creating a New York State Early Childho" by Center for Human Services Research, University at Albany

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New York State’s commitment to building a stronger and more effective early childhood care and education (ECCE) system is evidenced by its diverse and robust mixed delivery system of programs, services, and supports available to young children and families. However, addressing questions related to service availability, utilization, and effectiveness can be challenging given the lack of an integrated early childhood integrated data system (ECIDS) in the state. An ECIDS collects, integrates, maintains, stores, and reports on information from the many programs comprising the ECCE system, including data about individual children and their families; early childhood programs, providers, and services; and the early childhood workforce.

While the New York State Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) has made some progress to date in preparing to create an ECIDS, more work needs to be done. To this end, this feasibility report addresses integrating early childhood data in New York State, presenting on the following:

  1. Description of a 2018 proposal to create an ECIDS in New York State and the anticipated implementation challenges.
  2. Examination of lessons that can be learned from other states’ ECIDS development processes.
  3. Presentation of a proposal of a pilot project to link early childhood home visiting data with state education data in New York State.
While previous feasibility reports have stated that creating an ECIDS is possible, this report reviews the specific challenges in creating an ECIDS in New York State and proposes a pilot project that would address many of the identified barriers and “jump start” the process of data integration. The data for this report came from a variety of New York State and national documents and interviews with key informants in New York State as well as other states that have robust integrated data systems.



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