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The Center for Human Services Research (CHSR), as specified in the contract with the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Bureau of Early Childhood Services, conducted an analysis of data maintained by the Albany County Department of Social Services (DSS) on subsidized legally-exempt child care providers and the families who use this type of care. This information will inform the overall project, “Subsidized Legally Exempt Child Care in Albany County” in the following ways:

  1. Provide an understanding of the current provider community and families who use this type of child care, including the number of providers in the County, the number of children in care, ages of children in care, and the average number of hours of care
  2. Identify the most convenient locations to conduct focus groups for the next phase of this project, based on the concentration of both providers and parents
  3. Determine what data are not collected currently and therefore should be collected during the telephone survey phase of the project
  4. Inform the intervention design and implementation phase of the project



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