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We are feminist advocates for reproductive, environmental and climate justice who are deeply concerned about rising sea levels and rising inequalities. We are troubled that population numbers, composition and movements are often seen as causing or worsening climate change, environmental degradation, poverty, war and conflict. For instance, the United Nation’s 2019 World Population Prospects says that rapid population growth will stand in the way of accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals related to poverty, equality and hunger.


Publisher Acknowledgement:

This is the publisher's PDF. The Version of Record can be found here: Hendrixson, A., Foley, E. E., Bhatia, R., Bendix, D., Schultz, S., Wilson, K., Kimari, W. (2019). A Renewed Call for Feminist Resistance to Population Control. DifferenTakes, No. 94, 6.

Additional Comments:

German language version available at: Ein erneuter Aufruf zum feministischen Widerstand gegen Bevölkerungspolitik, in Kitchen Politics (eds) 2021: Mehr als Selbstbestimmung! Kämpfe für reproduktive Gerechtigkeit, assemblage: Münster, 125-133.



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