Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Geography and Planning

Content Description

1 online resource (vii, 59 pages) : color, illustrations, maps.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Andrei Lapenas

Committee Members

Catherine McGlynn, Emma Antolos


Education, Environement, Girl Scouts, Invasive Species, Introduced organisms, Invasive plants, Environmental education

Subject Categories

Environmental Education | Science and Mathematics Education


Invasive species are one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. Humans are one of the most pervasive vectors of invasive species spread which can be accelerated through different behaviors and pathways as a result of a lack of education and understanding. One of the most effective management efforts undertaken to fight invasive species spread and prevent further infestations is through education and advocacy. Currently, there are several educational resources dedicated to invasive species history, identification, and prevention. These resources range from school curriculums created for State School systems, to regional and national toolkits that contain lessons, identification resources, and activities for students ranging from elementary to adults. While resources exist for teachers/educators, and nature groups, there is an opportunity for other invasive species education to be created and available for young children, especially outside of an academic setting. This paper will provide a review of current national and state programs dedicated to environmental and invasive species education, discuss the efficacy of environmental education on today’s youth, and outline the creation and establishment of a new invasive species education program designed for the Girl Scouts of the USA.
