Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


Counseling Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, v, 82 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Hung-Bin Sheu

Committee Members

Alex L. Pieterse, Lisa M. McAndrew


Black students, Campus climate, Counseling, Cultural mistrust, Help-seeking, Racism, African American college students, Help-seeking behavior, College environment, Discrimination in higher education

Subject Categories

Counseling Psychology | Higher Education | Psychology


Black college students utilize mental health services less often than other racial groups, despite experiencing psychological distress (Kearney, Draper, & Baron, 2005; Sontag-Padilla et al., 2016). Black students face a number of unique barriers including experiences with racism, poorer adjustment, and cultural mistrust, which have been linked to poor retention outcomes (Iacovino & James, 2016), particularly at predominantly White institutions (PWIs). While there is a need for mental health service utilization among this population, a number of factors impact students' willingness to seek services. The current study examined the role of race-related stress, cultural mistrust, and campus racial climate in predicting help-seeking attitudes of Black college students at a PWI. More specifically, cultural mistrust was hypothesized to mediate the existing relationship between race-related stress and help-seeking attitudes. Campus racial climate was conceptualized as a potential moderator of the relationship between cultural mistrust and help-seeking attitudes.
