Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Information Science

Advisor/Committee Chair

Kimberly A. Cornell


Anti-phishing training is crucial for the business world. Therefore, much of the existing training is focused on employees. Education in the form of training tools and simulators helps increase the retention of information for these employees (Jampen et al., 2020). However, this education may be coming too late. Educating high school and college students on email etiquette and training during their formative years is essential to help protect students and their future employers. The gamification of training tools has the potential to “enrich the educational process and improve learning outcomes” (Lampropoulos & Sidiropoulos, 2024). The term ‘serious game’ describes a category of games that have a purpose beyond pure entertainment (Breuer & Bente, 2010). This includes the edutainment genre, which seeks to educate a player through engaging material. We propose that anti-phishing training should be given to students and geared towards them in an engaging way to prevent the formation of bad habits in the cyber world. By understanding the effects of game-based learning on students and the training materials in the workplace that have proved successful for retention, new software can be developed to bridge the gap between students and employees.

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