Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Public Administration and Policy

Content Description

1 online resource (ix, 108 pages) : color illustrations, color map.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Luis Luna-Reyes

Committee Members

David Matkin, Gang Chen


Civil service, State governments, Local officials and employees, Defined contribution pension plans, Pension trusts

Subject Categories

Public Administration


Previous attempts to understand and examine the employee influence on the financial performance of public retirement systems have produced inconsistent results. There have been different understandings and ongoing debates over the main variables to include in the models and the direction (positive vs. negative) of the association. What are the roles of public employees within the financial management of public retirement systems? What are the main variables that define employee influence? To answer these questions, this dissertation project, based on organization theory, first attempts to construct an exploratory measurement framework of employee influence from three aspects, external environment, perceived influence, and formalized influence. Second, this study further explores the linkage between the employee influence, using the new construct, and the adoption of various types of actuarial assumptions/ funding calculations and asset allocation adjustment within public retirement systems as the two policy scenarios in order to enrich the understanding of the financial management of state and local public retirement systems in the United States.
