Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


School Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (v, 89 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Benjamin G Solomon

Committee Members

Mariola Moeyaert, David N Miller


Mathematics, Academic achievement, Mathematical ability

Subject Categories



CBM for mathematics assesses growth in accuracy and fluency of basic math skills using content from a student’s curriculum. CBM for mathematics can include single-skill measures (SSM), skill-based measures (SBM), and general-outcome measures (GOM). Past research on growth rates in CBM for mathematics has focused on GOMs and has relied on estimations of weekly growth rates, but more information on expected growth rates and their precision for these measures is needed for practice. The current study addresses this gap in the literature by examining weekly growth rates and their precision for one SSM containing multiplication problems, one SBM containing addition and subtraction problems, and a GOM, M-COMP, with third grade students. Results suggest that individual estimates of the SEE varied widely across participants and between the SSM, SBM, and GOM. However, the SSM results were more precise than the other two measures. The average slope for the SSM was 3.50 DCPM/wk with an average SEE of 6.49 DCPM, and 1.89 PC/wk with an average SEE of 3.57 PC. The HLM results indicated that initial performance on the SBM and SSM varied by individual student. Additionally, the initial performance and rate of improvement over time varied significantly across classroom. Regarding the GOM, the 3-level model demonstrated that student initial performance varied by student as well. Implications for the consideration of SSMs when engaging in high-stakes decisions in schools are discussed.

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Psychology Commons
