Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of English

Content Description

1 online resource (pages) : illustrations (chiefly color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Kir Kuiken

Committee Members

Michael Leong, Aashish Kaul


Battle Hill, Brenda Coultas, Docupoety, Ed Sanders, Fort Ann, Polyvocality, Cemeteries, Battlefields

Subject Categories

Creative Writing


Inspired by the way authors such as M. NourbeSe Philip, Brenda Coultas and Muriel Rukeyser skillfully interweave documentation, interviews and their own voices into their writing, this collection of docupoems and photographs engages with the history of Fort Ann, New York, specifically the preservation of Battle Hill, a Revolutionary War battlefield. These free verse poems use spatial fragmentation and polyvocality to create a dialog about the fragmentation and loss of history. To accompany the textual component of my project, I included photographs of Fort Ann Cemeteries that I took while doing fieldwork to contrast the erosion of historical consciousness with the physical fragmentation of the cemetery stones.
