Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences

Content Description

1 online resource (xxi, 200 pages) : color illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Brian H Tang

Committee Members

Ryan D Torn, Robert G Fovell, George H Bryan


development, dry air, hurricane, tropical cyclone, ventilation, vertical wind shear, Vertical wind shear, Cyclones, Water vapor, Atmospheric, Moisture

Subject Categories

Atmospheric Sciences


This dissertation seeks to better understand how midlevel moisture and vertical wind shear (VWS) modulate tropical cyclone (TC) development. The first component of this dissertation simplifies the objective by focusing solely on how midlevel moisture modulates TC development, utilizing an axisymmetric modeling framework. Results show that low-entropy midlevel air affects the upward vertical mass flux in these experiments through subsidence into the subcloud layer, which results in a longer recovery time before deep convection develops. This process, as well as descending motion closer to the inner core, limits the radial width of deep convection, reduces the area of upward motions, and results in less upward vertical mass flux and a weaker, more narrow secondary circulation.
