Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Psychology


Psychology (Masters)

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, 53 pages) : illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Sylvia Roch

Committee Members

Sylvia Roch, Jason Randall


360-degree Feedback, Power Distance Orientation, Self-construal, 360-degree feedback (Rating of employees), Feedback (Psychology), Self-perception, Self-efficacy, Individualism, Power (Social sciences), Diversity in the workplace, Organizational effectiveness

Subject Categories



This study examined the effects of individual-level cultural values (i.e. self-construal and power distance orientation) on reactions to 360-degree feedback. This study also explored the extent to which the sign of the feedback, either negative or positive, influenced ratings of feedback acceptance. It was proposed that the 360-degree feedback design would elicit more positive reactions to the feedback in individuals with a higher independent self-construal and lower power distance orientation. Similar findings have been supported by Shipper, Hoffman, and Rotondo (2007) using comparable cultural dimensions, but at the national level. It was also proposed that positive, rather than negative, feedback would elicit greater feedback acceptance. Regression and moderated multiple regression analyses revealed that feedback reactions were not influenced by self-construal or power distance orientation. The sign of the feedback emerged as the strongest predictor of feedback acceptance, with positive feedback generating significantly higher ratings of feedback acceptance than negative feedback. The study’s results are described, and potential explanations for the study’s findings are considered.

Included in

Psychology Commons
