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This study examines the practices, challenges, and other technological and personal factors of personal digital archiving. Many studies regarding personal digital archiving have taken qualitative approaches to explore perceptions and behaviors. There has not been much research with quantitative methods to find the general patterns of archiving behaviors and the relationships between factors and practices. Based on the findings from existing qualitative studies, this study created an online survey to quantify personal digital archiving practices and related perceptions and challenges. The survey was employed to investigate to what extent people show a certain behavior or feel a certain challenge when archiving personal digital content, and if there were clear associations among the factors surrounding personal digital archiving practices. This study found that there were no statistically significant associations between digital archiving challenges and archiving practices. General technology efficacy and the awareness of the importance of personal records appeared to influence personal archiving practices.


This poster was presented at the Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI), July 15, 2014.



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