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Interactants use a variety of strategies to seek information from one another. One strategy involves incorporating a Candidate Answer in a query. In using this strategy, a speaker provides a model of the type of answer that would satisfy his/her purpose-for-asking. Supplying a model is useful when a speaker wants to guide, direct, or assist a respondent in providing particular information. In offering a Candidate Answer, a speaker can display having knowledge and familiarity of a circumstance. A Candidate Answer can be read as revealing the speaker's attitude toward, and expectations of, relevant others.
Recommended Citation
Hayano, K. 2013. Question Design in Conversation. In J. Sidnell and T. Stivers (eds) The Handbook of Conversation Analysis. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp395-414. Pomerantz, A. (2012). Candidate answer queries, actions, and the moral order. In R. Ayass & C. Meyer (Eds.), Sociality in Slow Motion: Festschrift for Jorg Bergmann (pp. 333-352). Frankfurt: Velbrueck.
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The discussion of speaker and recipient knowledge claims implied by the form of a query predates current interest in epistemics.