Author ORCID Identifier
Cynthia J. Najdowski:
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
This scholarly book provides the clinician with essential background information about children who appear in court proceedings as a victim, a witness, or a defendant. Research data form the basis for the discussions of children’s capacities, competencies, and vulnerabilities within the judicial system. All chapters are well referenced, with research data juxtaposed with courtroom vignettes. The vignettes are based upon the legal system in the United States but that does not detract from the research conclusions about children and adolescents within the legal system, which are equally applicable to Canadian court proceedings.
Recommended Citation
Ducker, Jillian N.; Salerno, Jessica M.; Najdowski, Cynthia J.; Bottoms, Bette L.; and Goodman, Gail S., "Children as Victims, Witnesses, and Offenders: An Introduction Through Legal Cases" (2009). Psychology Faculty Scholarship. 59.
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This is the Author's Accepted Manuscript. The Version of Record can be found here: Mongetta, J. N., Salerno, J. M., Najdowski, C. J., Bottoms, B. L., & Goodman, G. S. (2009). Children as victims, witnesses, and offenders: An introduction through legal cases. In B. L. Bottoms, C. J. Najdowski, & G. S. Goodman (Eds.), Children as victims, witnesses, and offenders: Psychological science and the law (pp. 1-15). Guilford Press.