Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Criminal Justice


Understanding what effects opinions of the police is vital to police officers and departments as it has been found that police are more likely to reach their goals if they have support, cooperation and trust from the citizens within the areas they work. That said, this secondary data analysis investigates whether or not fear of crime has an effect on an individual’s opinion of the police related to aspects of police professionalism and police efficiency. Initial results have shown that the higher an individual’s fear of crime is, the more likely they are to view police professionalism and efficiency more negatively. It also shows that the lower an individual’s fear of crime is, the more likely they are to view police professionalism and efficiency positively. Fear of crime is something that officers and departments need to monitor and reduce in order to increase individual opinions of the police which will help with gaining support, cooperation and trust. This will help police in reaching their goals and with their everyday functioning within communities.
