Author ORCID Identifier

Samantha Friedman:

Document Type

White Paper

Publication Date



New York City has lost more lives from COVID-19 than any other American city. Our paper examines variation in COVID-19 deaths across neighborhoods as it relates to the spatial variation in the racial, ethnic, and nativity-status composition of neighborhoods. This topic has received little scholarly attention and is imperative to explore, given the absence of racial and ethnic specific COVID-19 mortality rates by neighborhood. New York City is a racially and ethnically segregated city and a longstanding destination of immigrants, making some neighborhoods more susceptible to greater levels of COVID-19 mortality than others. Using ZCTA-level data on COVID-19 deaths and demographic data from the American Community Survey, our mapping analysis reveals that a racial, ethnic, and nativity-status hierarchy exists in the geographic distribution of COVID-19 mortality. Implications of these findings are discussed as they relate to residential segregation and persistent spatial inequalities faced by communities of color.

Contact Author

Samantha Friedman

University at Albany, State University of New York

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