Author ORCID Identifier

Elizabeth Vasquez: 0000-0003-1402-9712

Document Type

White Paper

Funding Organization and Award Number

University at Albany (SUNY)

Publication Date



Racial and ethnic minorities, those of lower socioeconomic status (SES), and older adults have experienced higher rates of infection, severity of illness, and mortality from COVID-19 than other groups. These populations are also disproportionately affected by financial and social disruptions caused by the pandemic, including job loss, reduction in community services, and disconnection from supportive networks critically important for the health and well-being of families. Further, these same populations often live in multi- generational households and rely on a family-dependent caregiver model. The aim of this project is to beta test an online questionnaire to identify individual and household risk factors in a racial/ethnic and SES diverse sample in Upstate New York State (NY). The data collected for this project will help us identify strategies to reduce racial/ethnic and SES-based disparities in the physical and health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in upstate NY.

Contact Author

Elizabeth Vasquez

University at Albany, State University of New York



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